We invite you to the workshop

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Silesian Provincial Group of International Police Association IPA Region Zywiec, announces the recruitment of participants for workshops within Project 8.1 " Preparation and implementation of a socio-educational programme for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on the road " in the framework of the implementation of the Project "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution" funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 and the state budget.
Classes program includes a.o.:
1. Cyclists in road traffic:
-   risks for cyclists on the road - causes and consequences of accidents with cyclists,
- mandatory bicycle equipment,
- Practical classes on the maneuvering area,  practical skills used while riding a bicycle (road traffic town, ALCOOgoggles, NARKOgoggles).
2. Pedestrians in road traffic:
-  duties and rights of the pedestrians,
- safety of pedestrians in road traffic,
- first aid training.

Theoretical and practical classes will be conducted by qualified speakers. The workshops will be held in Zywiec City. We will inform all participants about the exact location of the workshop by phone. The practical part will take place in prepared traffic town.
Anyone who wants to learn about safety rules can participate in this classes, regardless of age - after previous registration. You may register tili the 27-th od February, from Monday to Friday, from 15:00 pm- 17:00 pm, phone number: 665 777 999.


Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/812-we-invite-you-workshop